Tuesday, July 8, 2008

One crazy bag lady at a time.

Contrary to popular belief, there are hippies in Mexico.

They just get stared at and mocked by small children.
On Saturday Mexico's Environmental Ministry orchestrated the planting of 9 million trees across the country.Organizations like Greenpeace are saying it wasn't good enough. I'm saying, it's one giant freaking leap.
I wanted to celebrate the tree planting by going out and buying a canvas shopping bag because I go to the super at least three times a week and every time I end up with like 17 different plastic bags.I picked out a super lame gray bag with a picture of an earth with a Band-Aid on it. I'm trying to be as literal as possible, ok, and I'll tell you why. After I bought the bag the woman at the cash register told me that I couldn't leave the store without putting my new canvas bag in a plastic bag. I told her, I was buying the bag because I don't like plastic bags.
She had to staple the receipt to my new earth Band-Aid tote and personally escort me to the security guard who gave me permission to leave the store. It's an uphill battle here folks, and I haven't even taken it to the grocery store yet. I have a feeling that the little old ladies who get paid loose change to bag groceries are going to chase me down with a pitchfork.